Reform Club exterior

Address: 104 Pall Mall, St. James’s, London SW1Y 5EW

Set Up:

When Bond investigates Gustav Graves it leads him to an impromptu fencing match at The Reform Club, which poses as Blades in the film. Blades being the private members club from the Bond novels.

I tried to access The Reform Club for the purposes of this project but was denied access. Perfectly understandable. If you know someone that is a member of the Club you can be allowed in with them as their guest, but photos are strictly forbidden. As you’d expect there is a strict dress code.

Me Inside the Reform Club

Inside the Reform Club (June 2024)

How else can you access the Reform Club?

There is an Open House event that allows you access to the club, that can be found on their website here. I was fortunate enough to get to know someone that was a member of the club and I had lunch with him that day. My impressions were that it’s one big library. Also phones are very much sneered at. You should ALWAYS have your phone on silent and never pick up the phone and have a conversation.

According to the book James Bond on Location, most of what we see on screen was shot in the studio. Including the gardens as the gardens in the Reform Club are not that large and there is no fountain.

Nearest Bond Location: Madeleine Swann’s place of work, No Time To Die.

Closest Pint: Dukes Hotel.


If anyone is interesting in contributing to this post with photos or information, please do drop me a line on my Instagram account.