Address: Great West Road, Hounslow, London, W4 5QJ (look for Fullers Brewery)
Set Up
Great West Road is certainly a Bond location for the purists. Ian Fleming gives this location a brief mention in, CH7 of Thunderball. But it’s very convenient for me as it’s a two minute walk from my house so I wanted to give it a special mention here.
Fleming wrote:
GREAT WEST ROAD upon which some rich idiot married a Mark || Continental Bentley to an apparently unforeseen telegraph pole. Bond bought the bits and had Rolls straighten the chassis and replace the engine with that of the more powerful Mark lV.
The Great West Road runs all the way from Hogarth Roundabout to Hammersmith or you can really pick any spot along here as the description is vague enough. Telegraph poles were phased out in the UK in 1982 so you’ll struggle to find any in London. Perhaps you might find a good street light as a substitute.
Things to do nearby
This isn’t as obscure a location as you might think. There is a reference again to Great West Road in the novel Diamonds Are Forever which I’ll cover in another blog. And that is literally around the corner.
The Fullers Brewery on the other side of Hogarth Roundabout is well worth a visit, and you’re best booking a tour of the facilities before you arrive. If you can’t manage to get a tour, it’s still worth popping in as they have a bar with guest ales and the infamous London Pride tastes fantastic.
Closest Pint: Fullers Brewery, but only daytime hours. Alternatively the The George & Devonshire (W4 2QE) is a Fullers owned pub and serves a decent pint. (Tested).
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